Thursday, September 19, 2024

A great starting point for a discussion on global perception of democracy


HaSS links

HaSS Association Australia

Australian Geography Teachers' Association website

Geography Teachers Association of South Australia

History Teachers Association of South Australia
History Teachers Association of Australia

People don't think their countries are very democratic - even in democracies

The map above shows how democratic they feel their government and country to be (the % that say that their country is currently democratic). What a great starting point to start teaching about Global democracy and democratic perceptions of people around the world. 

The data comes from the Democracy Perception Index, and is not an objective measure of democracy but a subjective measure of how democratic they perceive their country as being.

Only about half the world (58%) says their country is democratic. Greece is considered the least democratic by its people (43%) out of all countries labelled as “free” democracies by Freedom House.

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