Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The power of maps to make sense of the world - or just question why!


The map above shows where Twitter (aka X) is blocked or restricted. 

HaSS links

HaSS Association Australia

Australian Geography Teachers' Association website

Geography Teachers Association of South Australia
History Teachers Association of South Australia
History Teachers Association of Australia

Check out the new HaSS Association Australia at

Hi all!

I have been busy for the past 6 years and neglected the Spatialworlds blog - sorry about that but life got in the way! Here is the start of the blog again, now that I am teaching geography at Uni SA in Adelaide. Time to get into all things geographical and spatial again.

With the discussion on the role of social media in our society, I thought this map showing where Twitter (X) is blocked is a great starting point to discuss freedom of information and the role of governments in the HaSS classroom.

Posts such as this one will be brief and provide just one or two examples of resources. A great site to get such maps is Brilliant maps at There are maps of everything on this site, some you really scratch your head about why they have made them, i.e. the map below on preferred sauce on chips in the UK  is such an example of map porn! I am sure the creative HaSS teacher can find a purpose for such a map - even if just to say "it is just interesting and why is there such a range of sauce use across space?"

I am looking forward to share my love of geography with you again over coming years. I am afraid many of the links on previous Spatialworlds blogs do not work now - I hope these new ones make up for that!

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