Left image: Rural landscape from the air, Port Lincoln, South Austraia.
Right image: Early morning over Hobart, Tasmania.
Related sites to the Spatialworlds project
Spatialworlds website
21st Century Geography Google Group
Australian Geography Teachers' Association website
'Towards a National Geography Curriculum' project website
Geography Teachers' Association of South Australia website
Email contact
Where am I??
Adelaide, Australia: S: 34º 55' E: 138º 36'
The impact of the Geospatial Revolution on geography in the community
How amazing is the Geospatial Revolution? Everyone I now is a geographer via the use of Google Earth, Google maps etc on their computer/iPad and the use of the plethora of Apps on their iPhones. People who say they know nothing about geography or spatial technology are in fact, the users of spatial technology, appliers of geographic skills and acquirers of geographic knowledge. This indeed is a revolution!! In this posting, first of many I think, I will identify some of my favourite geography orientated apps and those of others. Where will it stop, this Geospatial Revolution?
Apps you must have!!
To find the app listed below just go to the App Store on the iPhone or your computer and search.
Most of those listed are free or only 99 cents. Great value to play by oneself or adapt as a classroom activity using your SmartBoard or other sharing devices.
* Living Earth HD
A world clock, weather and alarm all in one. Includes a stunning live 3D simulation of the Earth.
Gives you access to the iPhone’s GPS functionality. Includes street and topographic maps.
* Global Navigator
GPS navigation all over the world using Google Map with up to date maps and satellite images.
* iMapMyRUN and iMapMyRIDE
Map your run, ride and workout – logs distance, route, calories, elevation and much more. A runners best friend!! Voice prompts give you updates on your progress.
* GolfLogix: Golf GPS
Maps your game on the course, providing course imagery and tracking.
* Navfree GPS Live Australia and New Zealand
A navigation app that offers turn-by-turn navigation using high quality open-source map data.
* MetroView GPS Navigation
A complete Turn-By-Turn Navigation solution with Speed Alert.
* World Geography Trivia
Geography trivia with animations and sounds.
* Geogame World Series
The ultimate geography game to test your knowledge and help you learn.
* World Countries ALL-IN-ONE
19 educational geographic apps in one app: Countries factbooks, Wikitravel, phots, news and much more.
* iWorldQuiz
You are given a location to find and after guessing you will be scored according to speed and accuracy.
* Where Around The World
The goal of this app is to chase down and catch criminals by solving geography trivia clues and mini-puzzles.
* The Amazing Hunt Around the World
A puzzle game to solve real world puzzles and riddles by visiting real-world scary locations.
Maps come to life using ArcGIS online – a great way to discover and use maps.
* Quakefeed – World Earthquakes
Using ESRI base maps, see the earthquakes of the past 7 days with a magnitude greater than 2.5.
* Maps+
Browse Google maps to find out where you are, search the map, get directions with route alternatives, use location alarms etc.
* City Walks
Maps of 470 cities worldwide.
* History: Maps of World
A fun and educational collection of high resolution historical maps.
* Around me
Enables you to quickly find out information about your surroundings.
* World MapView
Up-to date World Maps on the iPhone.
* Your World
This app challenges you to learn where the countries of the world are located by placing them onto a 3D earth.
* Toilet Map (one of many around the world)
This app shows you where the closest toilet is to your location in London.
Thanks to Roger and Anita for the following apps – their favourites on their GISetc website
* SkySafari
The basic version of SkySafari 3 shows you 120,000 stars, plus 220 of the best-known star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies in the sky. It displays the Solar System’s major planets and moons using NASA spacecraft imagery, and includes the best-known asteroids and comets.
* Oh! Ranger
Although American in content it is a great App as an example of the power of spatial technology. “Oh, Ranger!" is a virtual guide to the outdoors.
* Geo Walk – 3D World Fact Book
Let’s say you want to find out what there is to know about Africa. Spin the globe until you find it and you will see African sights only. If you are interested in architectural wonders of the world – category filter will help! Try the Quiz afterwards to feel that you are getting smarter by the minute!
* Skyview
Skyview is a stargazing app that implements augmented reality to “explore the universe.”
* Geology AZ is the Arizona version of the first GIS (geographical information system) for the iPhone. This initial release focuses on the geology of the Grand Canyon state, and related data.
* iRecycle
Recycling is the easiest and most accessible way to get people plugged into sustainability.
* Project Noah
Project Noah’s ultimate goal is to build the go-to platform for documenting all the world’s organisms and through doing this we hope to develop an effective way to measure Mother Nature’s pulse.
* My Radar
This free radar app will center over your location and provide you with accurate, real time weather scans.
This listing is really just the tip of the “app iceberg”. The potential for the teaching of geography in the classroom (and student homework) is unlimited. The iPhone apps related to geography, which are many, is a gift for the geography teacher wanting to engage students in geographical skills and thinking. Why not use what is second nature for students, their iPhone. In fact, as I mentioned earlier in the posting, our community has become geographically/spatially literate via Google Maps/Earth and the iPhone apps without realising it - this includes students in geography classes, no longer satisfied with hand-drawn maps and black-line master.
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