Spatial Worlds website
Picture descriptions:
Left image: Toronto skyline from the CN Tower
Right image: The snow on the Italian Alps, flying from Rome to Prague on December 27th, 2007.
Whereis Map search
This site should be familiar to everyone. Its main purpose is as an online street directory but more information is being added to the site regularly (e.g. parking, wireless internet connections). Maps can be saved and easily pasted into word files or emails. This is a very useful site for introducing basic GIS concepts to younger students.
European Space Agency
Here is another website to have a look at. This website provides some excellent resources, particularly remote sensing imagery, of major cities around the world. You can register your school and access free software to create images etc using basic GIS principles. What is impressive is that any layers you create, can be transfered over to either ArcView or MapInfo
Several links from the National Geographic's My Wonderful World gateway. Some great activities for students to get involved in.
My Wonderful World
The GIS games
Running Ahead
On this site you can register (free) and use Google Earth to track out your running/biking track and determine how far you have gone (or are intending to go!).
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